Website Development for Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE)

Project Overview: 

We had the privilege of partnering with the Institute of Advanced Study in Education (IASE) Mizoram to create a dynamic and user-friendly website. This project aimed to enhance the institute’s online presence, improve communication with its audience, and provide easy access to vital information for students, faculty, and the community.

Scope of Work:

  1. Design and Development: We designed a visually appealing and responsive website built on the WordPress platform, ensuring compatibility with various devices and browsers. The design reflects the institution’s identity and values.
  2. Content Management: The website includes an intuitive content management system (CMS) to enable the IASE Mizoram team to easily update and manage website content, including news, events, and announcements.
  3. Information Accessibility: We organized the website structure to ensure that important information about courses, admission procedures, faculty, and resources are easily accessible. The site also includes a dedicated section for news and updates.
  4. Interactive Features: To engage the audience, we integrated interactive features such as contact forms, inquiry forms, and social media links to facilitate communication between the institute and its stakeholders.
  5. Training: We provided training to the IASE Mizoram staff to ensure they can efficiently manage and update the website on an ongoing basis.


The new IASE Mizoram website serves as a valuable resource for students, faculty, and the community. It has improved the institute’s online presence, accessibility, and communication with its audience. The website reflects the institution’s commitment to quality education and provides a platform for growth and development in the digital age.

We are proud to have been part of this project and look forward to continued collaboration with IASE Mizoram to further enhance their online presence and support their mission in the field of education.

Service Provided:

  • Web Development
  • Web Hosting
  • Support & Maintenance